
A question that I get from customers a lot is whether or not they can commission me to perform spells for them. I decided to place a page on my website detailing my policies for spellwork. As an experienced witch, I perform spells often, and I have performed spells for customers in the past. I feel confident in my ability to do so. However, I am selective with the kind of workings that I am willing to do for people.
Many intentions for spells, such as fertility or protection, can be purchased in the form of custom candles. My Custom Deity Candles are not just for deities - you can also ask that I make you one for a specific intent, therefore making it a spell candle that you can use yourself.
However, I still get requests to perform spellwork for people. I do not (and will not) have a specific area of my store where you can purchase a spell working from me because of how particular I am with doing so. If you would like to discuss me performing a spell for you, please go to the "Contact" page on my shop and send me an email, but here's the basics:
Depending on the spell, I will charge between $50 and $150 for my work. You'll find that this is the average cost that most practitioners charge for similar workings. This cost covers any supplies I may need to purchase for your spell, as well as the time and energy that I am spending on you to ensure the spell is successful.
When it comes to spells such as healing, or anything medical related, I MUST emphasize that you should continue seeing medical and/or mental health professionals even if I perform a spell for you. Magick is not a cure, but it can be a boost in sending the right energies in your direction. If you are in crisis, please seek medical attention immediately. Magick is not a SUBSTITUTE for medical and/or mental health attention. Please see my "Policies & Disclaimers" page for more information about spellwork liability.
For the most part, people come to me for baneful magick (jinxes, hexes, curses, etc.) which I am willing to perform. However, I will NOT perform baneful magick on someone you don't like just because. You need a good, solid reason. For example, if you know without a shadow of a doubt that your ex cheated on you and you want them to pay the consequences for their actions, perfect! However, if your breakup was relatively peaceful and you're just feeling sour, I will not perform the spell for you.
I will also not perform any baneful magick on minors or pregnant people. I will also not perform death curses. SpiritualiTEA reserves the right to reject any request for spellwork for any reason.
Please note that baneful magick tends to spread. For example, if you want me to curse your abuser, but your abuser has children who are innocent, the magick could potentially spread to those children. Please be very careful in who you ask me to perform magick on.
Because of the disclaimers above, SpiritualiTEA cannot be held liable if the spell performed does not provide the specific desired outcome. When you ask me to perform a spell for you, I am assuming you have read and agree to the conditions above, and understand what you are getting into. See my "Policies and Disclaimers" page for more information. By inquiring about spellwork, I am also assuming that you will be able to make the $50-$150 payment upfront either through PayPal, Venmo, or Cashapp.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to use the "Contact" button at the top of my store. I would encourage you to speak with me anyway to ensure I am the right pick for you.
If I do not feel that I can perform the spell of your choosing for you, I will be happy to recommend other magickal practictioners who might be able to.
Thank you.