Hello, and Blessed Be! My name is Hannah, known as SpiritualiTEA on TikTok and other Internet platforms.
I was born and raised in Valparaiso, Indiana, in the evangelical church. I adored the trinity and everything that Jesus stood for. I sang on the worship team at Church, I was baptized, and some people even told me that I would make a good pastor. As I grew older though, I began to feel like something was...missing. Well, let me rephrase: I never felt like I didn't belong with God or the trinity; I knew that I belonged with them, and so did everyone. However, I slowly began to feel like I didn't belong in The Church (as an entity).
The pull to witchcraft began in my teenage years, but it wouldn't be for several years that I would eventually end up deciding to try it. Once I discovered that I could take on the craft and still keep the love of Jesus's message in my heart (thanks to authors like Valerie Love and Adelina St. Claire), spreading love and compassion wherever I went, and also calling out injustices like Jesus did, all while practicing my craft, I never looked back. Witchcraft became my way of life and my greatest passion. I learned to cast spells, to celebrate the Wheel of The Year, and to develop a deeper appreciation for nature and the world that God created.
I had to conquer a lot of adversity on this journey, but eventually, I graduated from Indiana University South Bend with a Bachelor's Degree in Sociology. My business and social media presence was already quite large by then, and I had been making candles in my dorm room at the time. After graduating, I moved in with my partner and we ventured on our own into the greater Indianapolis area. I have my own home office and am passionate about educating people on witchcraft via social media, and creating witchcraft products of all kinds.
I thank you for taking the time to learn about me and support my business, whether you are on the beginning of your journey or you've been practicing for decades. May Spirit guide you and bless you wherever you go, and once again, blessed be.
If you have any questions, see my FAQ page, or feel free to utilize the Contact button at the top of the screen. Thank you!